About Us

Bringing Music and the Heart of the Community Together

About Us

All-Stars Under the Stars (ASUTS) is a non-profit, music-driven organization with a heart for giving back to the community.  Our founder, Malcolm Whittum, knows what it means to struggle, having experienced homelessness in his past.  But he also knows the transformative strength of hope and support.


The idea for ASUTS was born out of a birthday celebration that was thrown for Malcolm in 2014 on the Wausau 400 block by family and friends.  Not only was it a fun and memorable event filled with live music, the experience was so fulfilling that he wanted to continue the tradition and share it with the community while turning it into a larger mission.


From its humble beginnings, ASUTS has since expanded and flourished in popularity.  With impressive local and national acts and a turnout in the thousands, the event continues to bring the community together for a worthy cause: supporting local charities.


ASUTS creates musical events that not only entertain but also inspire and make a positive difference in the lives of others.  Our organization is deeply committed to supporting non-profits that provide essential services and assistance to those in need and use our concerts as a platform to raise awareness and resources for their vital work.  


By uniting the stars of the stage and generosity of the people, we can make a positive impact in our community and beyond.  Our goal is to shine a light on the challenges faced by those in need and work towards a brighter future for all.


Whether you are a music lover, a supporter of charitable causes, or someone who has faced similar challenges to those we help, we invite you to join our team of All-Stars and make a difference through the power of music.


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Become an “All-Star” and help make a difference